Digitimer Ltd – D188 Operator’s Manual
Version 1.2
USB (Manual) Control Mode
The simplest control method is to use the USB connection to a host PC and the D188 Control
Software to manually select which channel (electrode pair) is active. To use this mode, the
operator needs to left mouse click on the button with the USB symbol to activate that mode,
moving the green highlight to this button. It is then possible to activate individual channels by
left clicking on each numbered button or using the 1 to 8 keys on the keyboard. The active
channel is indicated by a green circular highlight within the software and a front panel LED on the D188
1:1 Digital Control Mode
If the operator wishes to control the D188 using digital commands from a data acquisition
board or other device, the D188 has the option to be controlled by 8 TTL compatible (5V)
digital outputs in a 1:1 manner. See
for more detail.
4:8 Digital Control Mode
If eight digital outputs are not available, the operator can choose to use four digital outputs,
defining a 4-bit binary string that the D188 receives through pins 1 – 4 (D0 – D3). See
for more detail.
Delay/De-bounce Setting
The Delay/De-bounce setting allows the operator to introduce an adjustable
delay in switching which can be as long as 1000 milliseconds. This ensures that
the voltage at any of the digital inputs has stabilised before the D188 makes
changes to the active electrode pair. See
LED Control
In some applications it is important that the operator or subject of stimulation is unaware
which channel is active. The D188 Control Software has a button that “cloaks” the unit,
allowing the LED indicators of active channels to be toggled on or off. When the LED
indicators are active, the LED Control button on the software window has a green highlight.
Persistent Storage of Settings
Note that operating modes and other options are persistent when the D188 is powered off and back on.
Any channels left active (on) in USB (Manual) mode are deactivated when power is removed. This
reduces the risk of unintentional stimulation.