The value that displays on screen during the diode check is the forward voltage.
1) Set the function switch to the Ω
CAP position.
2) Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative COM jack.
3) Insert the red test lead banana plug into the positive VΩCAP jack.
4) Press the MODE button until display on the screen.
5) Touch the test probes to the diode or semiconductor being tested.
6) Reverse the probe polarity by switching probe position. Note this reading.
7) The diode or junction can be evaluated as follows:
A) If one reading shows a value and the other reading shows OL, the diode is
B) If both readings show OL, the device is open.
C) If both readings are very small or zero, the device is shorted.
To avoid electric shock, disconnect power to the area being tested and discharge
all capacitors before taking any capacitance measurements.
1) Set the function switch to the Ω
CAP position.
2) Insert the black test lead banana plug into the negative COM jack.
3) Insert the red test lead banana plug into the positive VΩCAP jack.
4) Press the MODE button until “nF” displays on the screen.
5) Touch the test leads to the capacitor being tested.
6) The test may take up to three minutes or more for large capacitors to charge.
Wait until the readings settle before ending the test.
7) Read the capacitance value displayed on the screen.
The temperature probe is fitted with a type K mini connector. A mini connector to
banana connector adaptor is supplied for connection to the input banana jacks.
1) Set the function switch to the temp position.
2) Insert the temperature probe into the input jacks, making sure to observe the
correct polarity.
3) Press the MODE button to indicate “ºF” or “ºC”.
4) Touch the temperature probe head to the part you wish to measure. Ensure
the probe remains in contact with the part until the reading stabilises (about
30 seconds).
5) Read the temperature displayed on the screen.