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6. Multimedia
Focusing on “Main Menu” -> “MULTIMEDIA” -> “Music”,
press [OK] to enter “Music Thumbnail’s file manager
mode” page. Press[Exit]
enter music thumbnail.
If the focused item is playable folder or file
start play music. Press [Menu] to exit the Music Thumbnail”
page and return to “Main Menu”
6.1.1 Top option
Press[Green] key to focus on “Top Option” item after
finishing file information display in the “Music Thumbnail”,
And if the focused item is “Top Option”, it will change the
focused item to “Thumbnail” when [Green] or [Exit] key
is pressed.
(1) Select “repeat mode”
(2)Select “random mode”
(3) Focusing on “exit & play” sub-item of “Top Option”,
pressing [OK]would enter music play page
6.1.2 Navi bar
If the Navi bar is existent, Press <Navi> to hide Navi bar.
(1)Navi bar item – “Enable Arrow Key”
(2)Navi bar item – “File”
(3) Navi bar item – “Info”
(3)Navi bar item – “vol”
(4)Navi bar item – “option”
6.1.3 Music Play
Available keys in “Music Play” page are listed below:
Press [Green] to stop current music playing.
Press [Yellow] to pause/resume music playing.
Press [Blue] to play in fast forward modes.
Press [Blue] continuously would switch between the
modes of “X2”, “X4”, “X8”, “X16”
Press<Navi> to display/hide the Navi bar.
6.2 Movie
Focusing on “Main Menu” -> “MULTIMEDIA” -> “Movie”,
press [OK] to enter “Movie Thumbnail” page. Press[Exit]
enter Movie Thumbnail, If the focused item is playable
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