You can hide some parts of the screen for privacy masking.
A total of 8 different privacy masking zones are available.
This is a License Plate Recognition Camera. As such, it has been
programmed specifically to register license plates only. For optimal
results, this camera is set to B/W mode only. There is no Color mode
on this camera. As a result, Mask Color under the Provacy Menu are
not used for this camera.
- Area Number: The camera supports up to 8 different privacy
masks. Select 1~8 which masks to display.
- Area Use: Select which one of the motion areas to enable.
- TOP: The higher the number, the higher the top
border of the mask will be in the camera’s view.
- BOTTOM: The higher the number, the lower the
bottom border of the mask will be in the camera’s view.
- LEFT: The lower the number, the closer the mask
will be to the camera’s left border.
- RIGHT:The lower the number, the closer the mask
will be to the camera’s right border.
- RET/ INI.: Select whether to return to the main menu, or reset the motion
settings to factory default.