Installation Procedure
This chapter shows you, step by step, how to install the VAX 4000 Model 100A.
Step 1: Choosing a Suitable Location
Follow these guidelines when choosing where to place the system unit:
• Place the system unit where the room temperature is between 10°C and
40°C (50°F and 104°F) and the humidity is between 20% and 80%.
• Place the system unit at least 1 metre (3 feet) from heaters, photocopying
machines, or other operating equipment.
• Place the system unit in a well-ventilated location.
• Place the system unit on a work surface that is raised above the floor.
• Do not place this unit on the top of any pedestal system.
• Keep the air vents on either side of the system unit clear.
• Do not expose the system unit to direct sunlight or abrasive particles.
The console terminal is not supplied with the system.
Installation Procedure 1–1