Installation instructions 08/2011 Copyright Digital Devices GmbH
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DVB Cine Config Tool
After the restart you can configure the TV card in Windows® Media Center or an alternative
software TV program.
You will now find a folder called “Digital Devices” in the Windows® Start Menu (Desktop ->
Start -> All programs). You will find “DVBCineConfig” in the sub-folder “DVB Devices”:-
This program allows you to configure the following:-
Common Interface
Transponder List for Windows® Media Center
Configuration of the C/T Tuner
DVBCineConfig Main menu
Single cable reception
(Unicable Configuration)
Common Interface Module (page 10)
Transponder List Media Center (page 12)
Configuration of C/T tuner (page 9)
Configuration of C/T Tuner
To the left, under ‘Tuner’, you will see the avail-
able tuners and to the right, above the check-
boxes, the signal type. The Cine C/T card is lim-
ited to tuning
DVB-C signals; it
cannot tune both types of signal simultaneously.
If you are using the Cine C/T with a DuoFlex C/T
expansion card, both types of signal can be
tuned simultaneously by assigning one type of
signal to each card. (With a correct combination
of Cine or Octopus with DuoFlex cards, tuning
DVB-T, DVB-S and DVB-C simultaneously is pos-
sible - see our website for full details). Tick the
checkboxes for the tuners and signal type(s) you
want to use.
Windows® Media Center is not compatible with European cable signals, but we have a solu-
tion to this issue. The checkbox labeled 'DVB-C WMC' is provided for this. When this box is ticked
the driver will convert DVB-C (digital cable) signals to DVB-S (digital satellite) signals to achieve
compatibility. Windows® Media Center is compatible with DVB-T (digital terrestrial) signals, how-
ever, and DVB-T tuner configuration is straightforward.
(For use with Windows® Media Center or a different TV application)
Tick the relevant checkbox for the tuner(s) you want to assign, either for use with Windows®
Media Center or with a different TV application (for example DVBViewer® or Media Portal).
For use only with a TV application other than Windows® Media Center)
If you will be using a TV application other than Windows® Media Center for DVB-C, eg, DVBView-
er® or Media Portal, tick this checkbox for the tuner(s) you want to use.
select this option
for use with Windows® Media Center
(For use with Windows® Media Center)
If you will be using Windows® Media Center you
select this option for DVB-C. Conversion of
DVB-C to DVB-S causes no limitation to time-shifting or other functions and is of advantage in
enabling the use of our pre-defined channel lists (see below - Loading the transponder list).