The Terminal Strip
+12VDC Terminal:
Connect the +12VDC terminal to a sw12
Volt source with enough amperage capable of driving the transbrake.
(Using an in-line fuse just large enough to handle the current draw
of the transbrake solenoid,
normally 15 Amps.,
is recommended.)
Transbrake Terminal:
Connect the Transbrake terminal to the
Transbrake solenoid. Connect the low side of the 2-Step, the red
wire, here if used.
When entering new information into the unit, there
must be a number (0-9) in every valid space on the
display or the transbrake terminal will not function.
Ground Terminal:
Connect the Ground terminal to the Neg. terminal
on the battery or to a good steel ground, not aluminum.
Button-1 Terminal:
In single Push Button Mode the push button
connected to Button-1 terminal is used to control the primary
delay and the secondary delay in sequence. In dual Push Button Mode
the push button connected to Button-1 terminal is used to control
the primary delay only.
Button-2 Terminal:
In single Push Button Mode the push button
connected to Button-2 terminal is used to control the recovery
if turned on. In dual Push Button Mode the push button connected to
Button-2 terminal is used to control the secondary delay only.
Tap Terminal:
If taping up or down is desired connect a push
button to the Tap terminal. This allows you to subtract or add a
programmable amount of time from the first delay time started
every time the Tap Push Button is depressed.
In single Push Button Mode the Tap Up or Down only affects the
primary delay and has no effect on the secondary delay.