So, before we program the DA Reefkeeper we need to
get our numbers in order (Goal 2). To do that, let’s figure
out how much we want to dose each day. For example,
let’s say the total dose we need is 50ml of Part A & B.
Since we will be running the pump by time, we need to
figure out how much they pump in a given time period.
Assuming the 1.1ml/min model, the easy way is to run
the pump 1 minute for every ml desired. With that
assumption made, we need to run our pump for 50 minutes. But, we want to split this up in to
many small doses (say 10, as per goal 4). So, we will run the pump for 5 minutes, 10 times in a
Note: This will put us within 10% of where we ultimately need to be, because we assumed 1
ml/min when in fact the pumps move 10% more than that at 1.1 ml/min. For further
explanation, see the advanced section at the end of this guide.
Let’s assume a photoperiod from 11AM to 7PM – 8 hours. We will dose B (carbonate alkalinity)
during the photoperiod, and part A afterwards (calcium, as per Goal 3).
Starting at 11AM, we will dose 50ml of part B, spread out in 10 increments. We will put a break
of 30 min between each dose. (Goal 4)
Starting at 7PM, we will dose 50ml of part A (same amount as part B as per Goal 1), spread out
in 10 increments. We will put a break of 30 min between each dose.
Because we are dosing A & B at different times of the day, we will need to program two
different timers in to the DA ReefKeeper.
All that is left to do now is to program the Reef Keeper to carry out our plan…
The two settings that we will use to control the operation of
the pumps are named “Timer” and “Multi-Timer” in the DA software.
We will program the two timers we need, and then we will assign them
via the “Multi-Timer” function to the outlets the pumps are connected
The ReefKeeper Lite has 16 timers
that can be used. Timers have a
number of settings that allow them to
be used in powerful ways. Timers are
used to run on/off cycles that can be
linked to a variety of functions. They
can be set to turn on for specific days
of the week, have their durations be
set to random and have added repeat
Shlobster dosing pumps are
available in two models:
1.1ml/min & 50ml/min. We
recommend using the
1.1ml/min model for the
purpose of dosing two part and
other additives.