3. Select MIC SETUP OPTION in the main menu interface press “Menu” button to get in Submenu.
See Chart 14 below, use “<-” & “->” button to select different parameter option.
Chart 14 (Mic Setup Menu
MIC Noise Gate Setup: MIC N-Gate Threshold in the menu, Setup range is -90dB
-24dB. This
parameter can reduce the MIC Noise Efficiency. The greater the threshold,
more Noise components could be reduced. It includes some small signals
(performer sings softly.) Default Value is -66dB.
MIC volume Pre-install: To set up MIC part preinstall volume. This parametric set up is mainly to
support karaoke volume project. When the system switch is on, the MIC
volume always stays at the pro-installed Value. If the MIC volume required
to at minimum when switch on every time, set the value at -26dB.
MIC Volume Limitation: Set up MIC volume in the menu, this parameter is to maximum of MIC set
up limit. For example: Parameter set up in -10dB,so MIC volume set up
limit is max -10dB,when user uses MIC volume knob or remote set up MIC
volume, max output is -10dB,the parameter mainly protect the amplifier
and speakers when output is in a certain range limit.
Effect Volume Pre-install: To set up the Initial Preinstall Volume in menu this parameter set up is
mainly provides karaoke project when the system switch to Echo
Volume on a Pre-install rang.