BL4S100 User’s Manual
A/D converter ....................... 27
buffered inputs .................. 27
calibration ......................... 29
calibration constants ......... 28
function calls
anaIn() ........................... 83
anaInCalib() .................. 81
anaInConfig() ................ 80
anaInDiff() .................... 87
anaInDriver() ................. 92
anaInmAmps() .............. 89
anaInRdCalib() .............. 90
anaInVolts() .................. 85
A/D converter
battery backup
battery life ....................... 121
use of battery-backed SRAM
battery connections ............. 121
board initialization
function calls ..................... 48
brdInit() ......................... 48
CE compliance ........................ 8
design guidelines ................. 9
clock doubler ........................ 31
digital I/O ...................... 19
ordinator) .................... 135
Ethernet cable ................... 96
Demonstration Board ...... 6, 122
configuration options ...... 124
LED outputs ................ 125
output voltage .............. 125
pushbutton switches .... 124
hookup instructions ......... 123
maximum power-supply volt-
age ............................... 123
pinout .............................. 124
power supply connections 123
Digi® XBee USB (ZigBee coor-
configuration ................... 135
uploading new firmware . 138
digital I/O
function calls
digIn() ........................... 49
digInBank() ................... 50
digOut() ......................... 63
digOutBank() ................ 64
getBegin() ............... 21, 57
getCounter() .................. 57
getEnd() ................... 21, 58
getMatch() ..................... 74
globalSync() .................. 61
pulseDisable() ............... 72
pulseEnable() ................ 72
resetCounter() ......... 21, 58
setCapture() ............. 21, 55
setCounter() ............. 21, 53
setDecoder() ............ 21, 52
setDigIn() ...................... 49
setDigOut() ................... 62
setDuty() ....................... 70
setExtInterrupt() ...... 21, 51
setFreq() ........................ 69
setLimit() ....................... 59
setOffset() ..................... 71
setPPM() ................. 24, 67
setPWM() ................ 24, 65
setSyncIn() .................... 60
setSyncOut() ................. 73
pin associations ............... 127
digital inputs
capture setup ..................... 21
counter setup ..................... 21
counter/timer associations 20
interrupts setup .................. 21
pullup/pulldown configuration
Quadrature Decoder setup 21
switching threshold ........... 20
digital outputs ....................... 22
counter/timer associations 23
PWM/PPM setup ........ 23, 24
sinking or sourcing ........... 22
BL4S100 main board ...... 113
plastic enclosure .............. 133
Dynamic C .................. 7, 33, 34
add-on modules ........... 13, 35
installation ..................... 13
basic instructions .............. 33
battery-backed SRAM ...... 94
debugging features ............ 34
installation ......................... 13
BL4S12xx.LIB .............. 47
protected variables ............ 94
Rabbit Embedded Security
Pack .......................... 7, 35
standard features
debugging ...................... 34
starting .............................. 14
telephone-based technical sup-
port ............................ 7, 35
upgrades and patches ........ 35
error codes
Mode Conflict
Ethernet cables ...................... 95
Ethernet connections ....... 95, 96
steps .................................. 95
Ethernet port ......................... 26