The Factory Default Setup Screen is shown below. Use the navigation
buttons to move through the menu options.
Use the RESET button to restore the factory default settings.
Default Setup Screen
Note: All setting changes are saved in the non-volatile EEPROM in the
Digital Photo Display ——
The digital photo display is initiated in three ways: (1) only photos are
present in the device/card, (2) the Photo option was selected from the Multiple
Contents in Card screen, or (3) the Photo shortcut button on the remote control
was pressed.
In the digital photo display mode, the Photo Thumbnails Screen will
appear. All the photos found in the device/card will be displayed in continuous
pages of photo thumbnails.
If the device/card has more than one folder and you desire to view the
photos by folder, go to “File Library Management” for how to access individual
Use the navigation buttons to move through the thumbnails in the
thumbnail page, and use the I<< and >>I buttons to jump to the previous or
next page of thumbnails.
If the Slideshow Mode option in the SETUP menu is set to AUTO, the
Photo Show will start automatically after about ten (10) seconds.
If the Auto Start option in the SETUP menu is set to ON, the playback of
all files at Power-Up would be in effect and the Photo Thumbnails Screen will
not be visible. To access the Photo Thumbnails Screen press “Photo” key on
your remote.