If for any reason a field replaceable unit (FRU) is required,
the following list of items is provided to ease the ordering
process. Note: Only user replaceable items are listed. If for
any reason an item is needed that is not on this list, the device
should be sent back to Dielectric Communications for repair
and recalibration:
1) Moisture Cartridge
PN: 83220
2) Spare Battery
PN: 82492
3) Boot Housing
PN: 84210
4)12VDC auto plug in adapter
PN: 84677
5)100-24VAC Universal AC charger
PN: 84673
6) Eurpoean power cord
PN: 84674
7) Extension Rods (2)
PN: 83325
8) Needle Probe
PN: 84165
C) Accessories (Options)
the following is a list of items that are recommnended for
use with the MGD-2002 Multi-gas detector that do not come as
a standard item. Items without part numbers are still in the
design phase and have not yet been assigned. (N/A)
1) Head Phones
PN: 882-0007
2) Overhead Wire Boot
PN: N / A
3) Non-metallic Probe Assembly
PN: N / A
4) Downloadable Software Revisions
PN: N / A