refrigerators operate with
the use of gravity. The flow rate of the
liquidsis determined by the angle of the
tubing in the cooling unit. It is critical
that the refrigerator is level to get the
correct flow for the best efficiency. To
level unit, place a level on the top of the
refrigerator and level the refrigerator
from right to left and front to back. Turn
the leveling feet clockwise to raise re-
frigerator. (See ill. 1)If the floor under
the refrigera-
tor is out of
level, it may
be needful to
put shims un-
der the level-
ing feet.
Air ventilation (circulation) is very
important. Always provide ample air cir-
culation behind and above the refrigera-
tor. The purpose for proper air circula-
tion is:
To prevent any heat build-up result-
ing from the lack of ventilation.
To provide ample airflow for proper
refrigerator performance.
To prevent any direct draft to the
burner area, which may extinguish
the flame.
When venting directly outside or into
the attic, use a shield or baffle between
flue pipe and vent pipe to prevent a direct
draft from occurring. Allow no less than
6” from the top of the refrigerator to the
ceiling or other obstructions. To create air
circulation for better flow, see the follow-
ing tips.
A 6”x24” or equivalent hole cut in the
floor or back wall with a register in-
stalled. When putting the hole in the
back wall put the bottom of the hole
6” from the floor. Allowing air intake
from the basement or crawl space
will allow air to circulate up the back
of the cooling unit. It is advisable to
use a register that can be opened and
closed. When possible, cut another
6”x24” or equivalent hole towards
the top of the back wall to release the
heat from the refrigerator to an out-
side area.
Allow 2 inches from the back of the
refrigerator to the wall additional air
circulation. It is recommended that
the refrigerator is installed free
Venting the flue pipe directly outside
or into an attic or similar plumbing as
a water heater requires will rid the
area of most of the heat the refrigera-
tor produces. Do not make a sealed
connection between the flue and vent
pipeconnection. Simply hover the
vent pipe over the flue pipe allowing
some air to draft in at this point to
create a good airflow.
If the circulation is suspected to be
inadequate, roll refrigerator away
from the walls and other obstructions
and let it run in this position for a pe-
riod of time and compare perfor-
mance to the intended location. If the
refrigerator compartment lowers
drastically during this period while
under similar circumstances of use,
the air circulation in the intended lo-
cation is inadequate. See ill.2
6” x 24”
6” x 24”
07/12 Version 3.1
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