DECADA owner’s manual
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You’ll note the Dual Volume/Gain design of Channel 2. These are voiced separately for
additional tonal variety. 2A is an overdrive gain voicing while 2B is a heavier, lead type
You’re crunch channel is also capable of producing a wide range of tones as well. Most
important, the sweep of the gain knob will change more than just the gain. The most
important feature is that as you bring the gain below 5, the amp will brighten. So, if you’re
looking for punchier, cleaner and brighter tones, keep the gain down. If you want to make it
heavier, bring the gain up above 5.
Start with your Channel 2 controls all at 5. Try, first, bringing up the Presence control and
sweeping that knob. Once you get your presence dialed in, then sweep your midrange (see
the previous section on the mid-range control. Those controls will tone alter the amp more
than any others on this channel. Change between 2A and 2B and note the differences in
gain amount then experiment with both channels for your optimal settings.
Your boost feature works on both channels and both volume/gain controls of Channel 2! It is
a clean, tube-driven boost that gives you that little extra for your leads or lead passages.
The boost is designed to provide approximately a 0 to 20db boost (volume only). The boost
is NOT an extra gain/drive stage. It is normal that you may not hear much change from 0 on
the Boost knob to approximately 1.5 to 2 on the dial. Due to the pot value, around 1.5 or 2,
the boost really kicks on. It is rare that DA players use much more than about 2 to 3 on the
dial, but there’s plenty of headroom there if you need it.
As the boost is a decibel level boost only, you are not likely to use it as part of your normal
sound. Proof of this is that your sound does not alter by kicking on the boost. If you think it
does, you’ll probably find that you can accomplish the same tone by turning up the amp
instead of turning on the boost as the boost is only a volume increase. So we recommend
you use the boost as an intermittent feature rather than an “always on” feature.