CS0 E / CS2 E / CS3 E / CS4 E / HD 4
Congratulations for the acquisition of this upmarket appliance made in France. You
chose an appliance which alloys the best technical qualities with a big user-
friendliness. We wish you the biggest contentment
Please respect these instructions scrupulously to avoid any
risk of fire, electric shock, scald or other wounds and dam-
age. During the use of this appliance, fundamental circum-
spection of security must always be noticed, such as:
- Take into account the instructions to be systematical-
ly kept with the appliance.
- Install the appliance always in instructions respect. A
10 cm distance minimum with the partition or the wall
is necessary.
- Protect the appliance from direct light of the sun,
frost and humidity.
- Never leave the appliance within the reach of chil-
dren or disabled persons without surveillance.
- Ensure that only trained personnel operate the appli-
- Never move the appliance when it is working.
- Check that the appliance is definitely off before con-
necting it up or disconnecting it.
- Do not touch the hot surfaces of the appliance. The
temperature of the hot surfaces can be very important
when the appliance is working. Always use handles
and control knobs