Slide Valve Closed
Deluxe Model Only
The Diamond Max Deluxe comes with 3/4” and 1/4” Silver Bullet
Bits for
grinding versatility.
1. To install the 3/4” grinder bit, remove 1” grinder bit.
2. Snap spacing collar into the grid surface to reduce the size of the
opening (FIG.10).
Slide the bit onto the motor shaft, positioning the set screw over the flat
side of the motor shaft. Position the bit on the shaft so at least 1/8” of the
bit surface is exposed above the grid work surface.
4. Secure the bit to the shaft by turning the set screw clockwise with the
hex wrench.
5. The 1/4” grinder bit is useful for both drilling holes and intricate grinding.
The 1/4” bit is placed directly onto the top of the shaft and tightened with
the hex screw. It can also be installed without removing the 1” or 3/4” bit by
lowering the position of these bits on the shaft and installing the 1/4” bit on
top of the existing bit. You now have two bits to work simultaneously
6. Deluxe models also come with an Easy-On
foot-switch. This switch allows
you to easily turn the grinder on or off with a simple tap of the toe. To use,
plug grinder directly into the foot-switch, then plug foot-switch into any
outlet. Turn grinder to the ON position.
Grinder Use and Maintenance
A. Bit Use
Remember to wear safety glasses or install a protective face shield
when grinding.
If you are a first time user, get the feel of the grinder by turning on the
grinder and grinding a piece of scrap glass. Begin by pushing the glass
into the grinding bit using light pressure and moving the glass back and
forth across the bit (FIG.11).
2. Slowly increase the pressure until you feel comfortable with the grinding
speed and your control. You’ll quickly learn the optimum grinding pressure
for the types of glass you use.
3. Stop periodically and check the sponge placement and water level.
Grinding without water greatly reduces the life of your grinding bits.
4. Over time, a bit may grind less effectively causing your glass to chip this is
a result of wearing away of the bit’s diamond surface. When this happens,
it is time to expose a new portion of the diamond surface. Loosen the set
screw using the hex wrench and move the grinding bit up on the shaft to
expose a new 1/8” section of diamond.
Secure the bit back in place making sure to tighten it against the flat side of
the motor shaft. Reposition the sponge if needed.
B. Disk Use
When ready to start disk grinding, remove the grid work surface, fill the
water reservoir 3/4 full, open the slide valve (FIG.12) and replace the
surface grid. If needed, you can increase water supply to the grinding disk
by slightly enlarging the holes located behind the slide valve using a paper
clip or a ridged metal object. Use caution to prevent over-enlargement of
the holes. Your Diamond Max
comes with a drain opening on the grinder
base to prevent excess water from building up under the disk (FIG.13).
Slide Valve Open