DSP-22-2 User Manual
Page 16 of 25
The approximate inductance of the lead-in cable can be calculated using a value of .22 µH per foot for
lead-in cable.
100’ x .22 µH = 22 µH of inductance in 100’ of lead
-in cable.
The ratio of loop inductance to lead-in inductance should be 2 to 1 for a well-designed installation. Since
the vehicle to be detected can only influence the loop inductance, letting the lead-in inductance get close
to the loop inductance will effectively lower the sensitivity of the loop. This is usually only an issue when
e loop is 50’ or more away from the detector. If you do have a long lead
-in, additional turns should be
added to the loop until the 2 to 1 ratio is satisfied.
The ideal loop inductance is 50 to 500 µH. Although the detector will tune to loops in the range of 20 to
1000 µH, the 20 to 50 range should be avoided to provide a more stable loop and loss of sensitivity due
to lead-in inductance. It is always better to have too much inductance than too little.
Lead-in wires must be twisted. Ideally, 3 to 6 twists per foot should be maintained. It is also important
that the twists are tight. An air gap between the two wires should not exist as this can cause loop stability
issues. The lead-in wires should be kept twisted until right before connection to the detector.
A figure 8 loop can be used in locations where electrical interference is expected or seen. This is a standard
loop with an extra saw cut down the middle of the loop. This extra saw cut should point toward the source
of the interference as much as practical. If the source is overhead or below ground (power lines) the saw
cut should be parallel to the short side of the loop. The loop wire is placed in the saw cuts using a figure
8 motion. A figure 8 loop will have more inductance that a similar sized conventional loop.
If multiple loops are to be connected to the same detector there are several things to be aware of:
Always connect multiple loops in series. This increases the inductance and insures that a loop
failure will cause a loop fault at the detector.
The loops connected together
be the same size and the same number of turns. Failure to
do this will lead to the loops having different sensitivities that cannot be compensated for. This
difference in sensitivity can very large.
Connecting two loops together will reduce the sensitivity of each loop by half.
If the two loops are within 6’ of each other, the phasing of the loops should be considered. If the
loops are on the same side of a gate and are being used to increase the size of the detection zone,
the two edges closest to each other should have opposite phasing (North to South). This will
increase the sensitivity in the area between the two loops. If the loops are on opposite sides of a
gate, the loops should have the same phasing (North to North). This will decrease the sensitivity
in the area between the two loops. Especially at the middle point between the two loops, it may
be impossible to detect any object in this area. So, this phenomenon can be very useful in sliding
gate and lift gate installations.
Detector Installation
The detector should be plugged in to the appropriate connector on the DoorKing operator.
The detector will function when mounted in any orientation. Using the two holes in the detector,
secure the detector in place.