Configuring Advanced Settings / Processing Images
METAZA Driver 2 allows you to configure the basic settings for a variety of items including the size of mate-
rial and the unit used for display. The basic settings continue to be applied by making the settings with the
method previously described.
Though you can change these settings from METAZAStudio (From [File] menu, click [Print Setup]
ties] to display [Printing Preferences] shown in step
, any changes you make disappear when restarting
Other Operations Available with METAZAStudio
METAZAStudio includes a variety of other functions.
For information on the operation method, refer to the online help for METAZAStudio.
P.28 "How to Display Help for Software"
About Dr. Engrave
What is Dr. Engrave?
Dr. Engrave is imprinting software for plate materials.
This software can import a text file that includes data separated by commas or tabs into the character field.
You can use files created with spreadsheet software and database software that have a text write function.
For more information, refer to the help for Dr. Engrave.
P.28 "How to Display Help for Software"
Points to Note When Using Dr. Engrave
• Setting of the material size (or the imprint area size) must be done in the setting window for METAZA Driver.
P.104 "Changing Basic Driver Settings"
• Set the material in a way that the center of the material (or the imprint area) comes to the center of the
table (or the center vise).