BIOS Setup PWR Lost Resume State
Keep Off
When power returns after an AC power failure,
the system’s power is off. You must press the
Power button to power-on the system.
Turn On
When power returns after an AC power failure,
the system will automatically power-on.
Last State
When power returns after an AC power failure,
the system will return to the state where you left
off before power failure occurs. If the system’s
power is off when AC power failure occurs, it will
remain off when power returns. If the system’s
power is on when AC power failure occurs, the
system will power-on when power returns. Power-On By Alarm
When Enabled, you can set the time you would like
the Soft Power Down (Soft-Off) PC to power-on in
the “Time (dd:hh:mm) of Alarm” field. However, if the
system is being accessed by incoming calls or the
network prior to the time set in the field, the system
will give priority to the incoming calls or network.
Disables the automatic power-on function. (default) Time (hh:mm:ss) of Alarm
This is used to set the time you would like the system to power-