Chapter 4 Supported Software
Chapter 4
4. Setup is currently installing
the driver. After installation
has completed, click Next.
5. Click “Yes, I want to restart
this computer now.” then
click Finish.
Restarting the system will
allow the new software
installlation to take effect.
3. Go through the readme
document for more installa-
tion tips then click Next.
F6 Floppy
This is used to create a floppy driver diskette needed when you install Windows
XP using the F6 installation method. This will allow you to install the operating
system onto a hard drive when in AHCI mode.
1. Insert a blank floppy diskette.
2. Locate for the drivers in the CD then copy them to the floppy diskette. The
CD includes drivers for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The path to
the drivers are shown below.
CD Drive:\AHCI_RAID\F6FLOPPY\f6flpy32
CD Drive:\AHCI_RAID\F6FLOPPY\f6flpy64