APCO CVS-6000 Swing Check Valves
Page 4
December 2012
A swing check valve consists of a valve body, a bonnet, and a disk that is connected to a hinge. The
disk swings away from the valve-seat to allow flow in the forward direction, and returns to valve-seat
when upstream flow is stopped, to prevent backflow.
The CVS-6000 valve is equipped with a weighted counterweight arm and Air Cushion Cylinder, the
CVS-6000B valve is equipped with a weighted counterweight arm and Oil Control Bottom Buffer and
the Series 6100 valve is equipped with a weighted counterweight arm and Oil Cushion Cylinder to
assist with closing the valve.
Handling and Storage
Lifting the valve improperly may damage it. Do not fasten lifting devices to the
cylinder or through the
seat opening in the body. Lift the valve with
slings, chains or cables fastened around the valve body, or
fastened to bolts or
rods through bolt holes in the flanges.
If installation will be delayed, place valve indoors in secure, weather tight storage. If temporary outside
storage is unavoidable, make sure a vermin proof rain cover (water shedding tarp, etc.) is secured
around/over the valve to keep off rain and mud. Skid and set the assembly on a flat, solid, and well
drained surface for protection from ground moisture, runoff and pooled rain water.
The APCO CVS-6000 Swing Check Valves may be installed in a horizontal or vertical position
(with the flow upward). In either case, the Counterweight Arm (44) should be set 25°-30° below
the horizontal line. Unless otherwise specified, the valves are shipped for horizontal installation.
On the Series CVS-6000B and CVS-6100 valves, the Oil Reservoir (58) and on the Series
6000B valve, the Hydro-pneumatic Accumulator (73) must be mounted vertically regardless of
the valve installation position.
Before installation, remove foreign material such as weld spatter, oil, grease, and dirt from the
Prepare pipe ends and install valves in accordance with the pipe manufacture’s instructions for
the joint used.
Do not deflect the pipe-valve joint. Minimize bending stresses in the valve end
connection with pipe loading.
If excessive seat leakage occurs during start-up, recheck the installation and
eliminate any distortion to the valve body.
Ensure the valve and pipeline flanges are concentric to ensure proper flange sealing and seat
leakage control.
Tighten the flange bolts or studs in a crisscross pattern and minimum of four stages.