- 35 -
Adjust the output ac�ve power in %
Reac�veP: Adjust reac�ve power output in %
Fun_ISO: Insula�on resistance detec�on
Fun_RCD: Residual current detec�on
Self-check: Inverter's self-check �me.The
default value 60s
Island: An�-islanding protec�on
Meter: Energy meter.If inverter will connect
meter,then set here to ON
8.4.1 Ac�veP set
Pic 8.25
ActiveP 0%
ReactiveP 0% <<
PF 1.000
Fun ISO OFF <<
Pic 8.26
SelfCheck 0S <<
Pic 8.27
Island OFF
Meter OFF <<
Pic 8.28
Limiter: If inverter will connect SUN limiter,
then set here to ON
ct 0
Limiter ON <<
Pic 8.29
Pic 8.30
Feed-in 50% <<
MPPT Num 0 <<
Feed_In %: it is used to deploy how much
power can be feed into grid.
For example, Feed_in=50% of the 36KW model,
which means Max. 18KW power can be feed into grid.
And, this parameter is valid only a�er connec�ng
a meter and the meter func�on is "ON".