The side handle (E) can be fitted to either
side of the gear case in the threaded holes,
as shown. Before using the tool, check that
the handle is tightened se
cure ly. Use a
wrench to firmly tighten the side handle.
Rotating the Gear Case
Turn off and unplug tool before making
any adjustments or removing or installing
accessories. Before reconnecting the
tool, depress and release the trigger
switch to ensure that the tool is off.
1. Remove guard and flanges from tool.
2. Remove the four corner screws attaching the gear case to
motor housing.
3. Separating the gear case from motor housing not more than
1/4", rotate the gear case head to desired position.
If the gear case and motor housing become separated by
more than 1/4", the tool must be serviced and re-assembled by
a D
WALT service center. Failure to have the tool serviced may
cause brush, motor and bearing failure.
4. Re-install screws to attach the gear case to the motor housing.
Tighten screws to 18 in./lbs. torque. Overtightening could cause
screws to strip.
It is important to choose the correct guards, backing pads and
flanges to use with grinder accessories. See pages 6–8 for
information on choosing the correct accessories.
Accessories must be rated for at least the speed
recom mended on the tool warning label. Wheels and other
accessories running over rated accessory speed may burst and
cause injury. Threaded accessories must have a 5/8-11 hub.
Every unthreaded accessory
must have a 7/8" arbor hole. If it
does not, it may have been
designed for a circular saw and
should not be used. Use only the
accessories shown on pages 6–8 of this manual. Accessory
ratings must be above listed minimum wheel speed as shown on
tool nameplate.
Mounting Guard
CAUTION: Turn off and unplug the tool before making
any adjustments or removing or installing attachments or
accessories. Before reconnecting the tool, depress and release
the paddle switch to ensure that the tool is off.
Type 27 guard
4-1/2" Grinding Wheels
backing flange
threaded clamp nut
Type 27 hubbed wheel
Type 27 guard
Type 27 depressed
center wheel