Setting Up The System
Battery Installation
The Devine bodypack is powered by two 1.5 V AA batteries. Always use high-quality batteries since this can
affect power efficiency and cause the maximum operation time to vary between 7 to 10 hours depending on
battery quality.
To gain access to the battery compartment, gently press the compartment lid to open it. Place the batteries in
the compartment according to the included polarity indicators (+/-).
An ON/OFF button has been fitted to the front of the bodypack and also functions as a mute switch. By
holding the button down, the device is powered on. The integrated LCD screen of the bodypack is activated
and will light up.
Bodypack Set Up
The WMD-168MKII-B bodypack kit comes including two different microphones: a lavalier and a headset.
Both microphones are hands-free, have the same specifications and only differ in the way that they can be
worn. The performer can choose to wear the connecting cable under their clothing and the bodypack itself
can be worn discreetly using the included belt clip. It is always recommended that the cable is tucked safely
beneath the user's clothing to avoid the cable catching or snagging, possibly causing damage to the
microphone and interrupting the performance.
When using the headset, the microphone has been designed for placement on the left of the head while the
ear-hook on the other side of the headset fits comfortably on the right ear of the user. Soft padding has been
fitted on the microphone side of the headset to ease the weight.
The clip-on lavalier microphone can be used when the microphone needs to be as discreet as possible and
can be neatly clipped onto a collar or lapel for comfortable use. When used live, always ensure that the
lavalier microphone is not in danger of brushing against any clothing as this will lead to the amplification of
unwanted noise.
Connecting the Bodypack to the Receiver
The WMD-168MKII-B bodypack is designed for use in combination with the Devine WMD-168MKII wireless
microphone system. To connect the bodypack, hold the infrared (IR) sensor of the bodypack close to the IR
sensor of the receiver before pressing the Set button of the desired microphone channel (channel 1 or 2). If
necessary, the battery compartment of the bodypack can be opened to widen the IR sensor range. The
bodypack and receiver should now be coupled on the frequency as selected on the receiver. If the
synchronisation has been successful, the integrated display screen of the bodypack will light up and show
the newly set channel and frequency. The display screen on the front of the receiver will display the signal
strength, indicated by ‘RF’. For more information about the receiver, see the Devine WMD-168MKII user
Indication of channel and frequency as displayed on the WMD-168MKII receiver
Indication of channel on the bodypack transmitter
The information included in this user manual is subject to change at any time and without notification:
Version: 1.0
Date and author initials: 19-09-2020 RV
Revision date and author initials: -