- laser software
- general production software
from other developers
- podcasting and broadcasting software
- tablature software
- and more
Please note that, when using third-party software, settings may need to be changed to
ensure compatibility. Always read the applicable software instructions to be certain of this.
Compatibility with third-party software cannot be guaranteed.
Always check the system requirements of the softwar
e to be certain that your computer
meets the minimum recommended system requirements.
Using the EZ-Creator Series With and Without Bitwig
It is also possible to use the EZ-Creator Series controller with Bitwig 8-Track before
changing to a different DAW programme, other software, or another computer.
The information included in this user manual is subject to change at any time and without notification:
Date and author initials: 02-11-2020 RV
Revision date and author initials: -