CAUTION: It is very important that you read this information regarding the possible
effects of Electromagnetic Interference on your power chair.
Powered wheelchairs and otori ed scooters ay e susce ti le to electro agnetic
inter erence EMI which is inter ering electro agnetic energy EM e itted ro sources
such a radio stations V stations a ateur radio
M trans itters two-way radios and
cellular hones he inter erence ro radio wave sources can cause the otori ed
scooter to release its rakes ove y itsel or ove in unintended directions It can also
er anently da age the otori ed scooter control syste
he intensity o the inter ering
EM energy can e easured in volts er eter V
Each otori ed scooter can resist
EMI u to a certain intensity his is called its i
unity level he higher the i
level the greater the rotection will e t this ti e current technology is ca a le o
achieving at least a 2 V
unity level which would rovide use ul rotection ro
the ore co
on sources o radiated EMI he i
unity level o this otori ed scooter
odel is 2 V
here are a nu
er o sources o relatively intense electro agnetic ields in the everyday
environ ent So e o these sources are o vious and easy to avoid thers are not
arent and e
osure is unavoida le owever we elieve that y ollowing the warnings
listed elow your risk to EMI will e ini i ed
Some cellular telephones and similar devices transmit signals while
they are ON, even when not being used.
The sources of radiated EMI can be broadly classified into three types
and-held orta le transceivers trans itters-receivers with the antenna ounted
directly on the trans itting unit E a
les include citi ens and CB radios walkie
talkie security ire and olice transceivers cellular tele hones and other ersonal
unication devices
2 Mediu -range o ile transceivers such as those used in olice cars ire trucks
ulances and ta is hese usually have the antenna ounted on the outside o
the vehicle
Instruction Booklet
Issue 2