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Every time an observation event takes place, the Alarm/Warning Trigger’s State of the channel
refreshes (if necessary). For example: Let’s suppose that the Alarm/Warning Trigger is in Idle state.
Note, that an alarm is not triggered immediately when a parameter level passes over threshold
(above High Threshold or under Low Threshold). If the parameter level becomes stable (within
Thresholds) and Alarm/Warning Trigger Time is not elapsed, then Alarm/Warning Trigger remains
in Idle state. If Alarm/Warning Trigger Time expires and the parameter level is still out of bounds,
then Alarm/Warning Trigger changes its state to Active. This causes predefined actions - Alarm/
Warning Notifications (E-mail, SMS, SNMP trap) and Save a Log Record. The state will not be
immediately changed to Idle when the parameter stabilizes (within Threshold levels), but will wait
until ‘Alarm/Warning Release Time’ is elapsed. Meanwhile if the parameter passes over again any
Threshold, the Alarm/Warning Trigger will remain in Active state. If the parameter remains within
Threshold levels and Alarm/Warning Release Time expires, Alarm/Warning Trigger switches to
Idle state and again predefined actions are initiated (as when entering Active state).
Hi Threshold
Alarm Idle
No Alarm
Period < Alarm Trigger Time
Period > Alarm Trigger Time
Period > Alarm Release Time
Alarm Active
Alarm Idle
Alarm Idle
No Alarm
for Active Alarm
for Idle Alarm
If RDS Group has not been received for more than Alarm/Warning Trigger Time state is changed
to Active. If state is Active and Release Time has elapsed and the RDS Group is received state is
changed to Idle. If the RDS Group is received before the Release Time is elapsed state remains