Hardware design
Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Instruction manual UNIGATE
IC - Powerlink V. 2.3
-Reset In
A reset generator (Max 809) is on board; with it in the normal case the reset input is not
required. In this case the reset input has to be connected with VCC, in order to avoid interfe-
rences (see chapter 3.6).
If the the customer’s application has to initiate a reset of the UNIGATE
IC, then the reset input
can also be connected with a reset output of the customer’s application instead of connecting it
with VCC. Here all specifications of the reset signal, mentioned in chapter 3.2 have to be kept.
The reset-impulse is supposed to last at least 10 ms.
A green LED can be connected to this line (see chapter 3.6). It is glowing in the state of “Ethernet
ok“ and in the state “Waiting for link connection“ it is flashing.
-Config Mode
If the pin has the level GND, then the IC starts in the configuration mode.
DbgTX, DbgRx
They are transmission line and receive line as well of the IC’s Debug-interface. For the function
description of the Debug-interface see chapter 6 on page 26.
The transmit enable signal allows the connection of RS485 drivers to the IC’s serial interface.
The signal is set to High whenever the IC sends via the line TX.
Transmission and receive line of the serial interface. This interface is programmable in accor-
dance with the description in chapter 4 on page 23.
The software executes script-commands, which in turn control the IC’s hardware and they pro-
cess their complete protocol by software. The script itself can be generated by the company
Deutschmann Automation or with the software Protocol Developer by yourself. For a detailed
description of the script.commands of the Protocol Developer see the instruction manual
Protocol Developer and the online documentation concerning script-commands.