Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Instruction manual UNIGATE
IC - Powerlink V. 2.3
The required UNIGATE
IC / ICs are ordered separately. The required voltage (5V or 3.3V,
depending on the version) can be adjusted. An RS232-interface or a USB-connection is avail-
able for the connection to the PC (Debug-interface).
The application can be connected either through the USB, RS232, RS485 or the RS422.
The bus-connections according to standard or market standard are available to test the respec-
tive bus-side. Optionally Deutschmann Add-on packages (bus-master simulation) are available.
The board contains 32 bit input and 16 bit output, provided with one LED each. Different connec-
tors allow an easy coupling to your processor. A hole matrix field with the most important signals
(voltage, IOs) allows a customized hardware extension (e. g. to connect a D/A converter).
Quick start
For a transparent data exchange you will find example scripts for the respective Fieldbus under
"File->New" in the Protocol Developer.