2 - 16
Description varix 200/varix 14 (DECT)
2 Planning a cordless communications network
Distribution within the building
The positioning of cables within the building is important. It is advisable to lay cables along
the central axis of the building, enabling the FPs to be positioned in the centre of the building
as well; this makes maximum use of the hop.
Experience has shown that this is the best way to install a DECT telephone network (refer to
Fig. 2.5).
It is easy to see that a large part of the individual FP footprints is outside the building. This is
unnecessary, as in most cases a customer will not want to use the phone outside of the build-
ing. Therefore, in the majority of cases, where outdoor communications are not required, this
type of installation should be avoided.
It makes more sense to take into account the fact mentioned initially in connection with the
functional characteristics of DECT telephone networks, namely that the bit-error rate contrib-
utes significantly to the trouble-free functioning of a network. Thus, if FPs are mounted on out-
side walls, directional antennae should be used to reduce the bit-error rate and cover the
desired area only. This will lead to a larger portion of the radio field being available inside
the building due to a directional antenna’s smaller aperture.
Footprints (idealised)
Fig. 2.5