If when testing, a detector does not activate, repeat the
test every10 seconds for up to 2 minutes by keeping the
unit at the detector. If the detector still does not activate it
may be faulty and need replacement.
Should the status
indicator LEDs turn purple
, an internal fault has
occurred and the following steps should be taken:
Power the unit off and on again.
If the problem remains ensure that Solo 365 is
powered off before performing any of the
following steps:
Remove and re-insert the generator, at the same
time check the PCB contacts for any debris.
Power the unit off, remove the battery. Check
the fan moves freely, if not remove the smoke
cartridge and generator from within Solo 365.
Fan faults may occur due to debris getting inside
the unit. Carefully use an air duster and apply to
the fan or rotate the fan gently. The use of an air
duster such as Solo A7 normally frees the fan of
debris. Re-insert the battery and power the
unit on.
If the problems remain, please contact
Check the battery indicator. If solid red, remove
the battery from the unit and recharge it.
If the cartridge indicator shows red change the
cartridge.Check the generator indicator. If this is
solid red then change the generator.
Check for obstructions. Use an air duster to
clear debris.
Unit does not switch on
Smoke not being generated
Fan is not rotating