8555-M519-O1 Rev D
MedVue MVWIFI Operation
Once the weight analyzer network configuration has been set up properly, the weight analyzer
should briefly display its IP address shortly after powering up. To connect to the weight
analyzer, you must make a TCP client connection to the weight analyzer’s IP address at port
10001. Once connected to this port, you can issue the commands described below to the
weight analyzer if it is set to “On Demand” output format (see MedVue operation manual for
information on setting this parameter).
<ENQ> - (Hex 05)
Character sent to the MedVue weight analyzer will respond with the following weight string:
Pxxxxxx^UU^M^SS^CR (no decimal point in weight)
PxxxxxxD^UU^M^SS^CR (decimal point in weight)
P = polarity (space if positive, - if negative)
xxxxxx = weight with leading spaces
D = decimal point (embedded where necessary)
^ = space (hex 20)
UU = units, upper case (LB, KG, TN, etc.)
M = mode, upper case (G=gross, N=Net)
SS = status, upper case (CZ=center-of-zero,
MO=motion, BZ=gross weight below zero
EE=entry - Input in progress, OC=over capacity)
CR = carriage return (hex 0D)