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Figure 15. Using the Full-Time Continuous Monitor when
mounted on a workbench upright
Figure 16. Using the Full-Time Continuous Monitor at a
machine station
Frequency of recalibration should be based on the
critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled
and the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment
and materials. In general, Desco recommends that
calibration be performed annually.
Use the Desco 98221 Wave Distortion Monitor
Verification Tester to perform periodic verification
(once every 6-12 months) of the Full-Time Continuous
Monitor. The verification tester can be used to check the
test limits of the Full-Time Continuous Monitor without
removing it from the workstation.
for more information.
Figure 17. Desco 98221 Wave Distortion Monitor
Verification Tester
Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 -
5 Commonwealth Ave,
MA 01801