©2021 by 3Gen Inc. | 05 May 2021 | LUM-UV-1701B
Intended Use
This device is intended for medical purposes to illuminate
body surfaces. It is used for non-invasive visual examination
of intact skin.
This battery-operated product is designed for external
examination only within professional healthcare facilities by
medical professionals.
Check the correct operation of the device before use! Do not
use the device if there are visible signs of damage.
CAUTION: Do not look directly into the LED light. Patients
must close their eyes during examinations.
Caution: UV Light. Do not look directly at light.
In case of a serious incident with the use of this device, no-
tify 3Gen immediately and, if required by local regulations,
your national health authority.
CAUTION: Do not use the device in fire or explosive risk
area (e.g. oxygen-rich environment).
WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals
including methylene chloride and hexavalent chromium,
which are known to the State of California to cause cancer
or reproductive toxicity. For more information go to www.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
This device complies with the EMC Emissions and Immunity
level requirements of the standard IEC 60601-1-2:2014. The
emission characteristics of this equipment make it suitable
for use in professional healthcare environment as well as
residential environment (CISPR 11 Class B). This equip-
ment offers adequate protection to radio communication
service. In the rare event of interference to the radio com-
munication service, the user might need to take mitigation
measures, such as relocating or re-orienting equipment.
WARNING: Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked
with other equipment should be avoided because it could
result in improper operation. If such use is necessary, this
equipment and the other equipment should be observed to
verify that they are operating normally.
WARNING: Use of accessories other than those provided
by the manufacturer of this equipment could result in in-
creased electromagnetic emissions or decreased electro-
magnetic immunity of this equipment and result in improper
WARNING: Portable RF transmitters should be used no
closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of the device. Oth-
erwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment
could result.
The Lumio UV is a skin examination device designed to
view the skin with magnification and clarity. A ring made up
of 40 UV LEDs (light emitting diodes) and a high quality, 75
mm 2x lens with superb color correction and reduced image
distortion produces an image rich in surface detail.
Držite Lumio približno 3-5 ”(~ 75-125 mm) od kože koju tre
ba pregledati, pri čemu će LED-ovi biti usmjereni u smjeru
kože. Pritisnite tipku (A) za aktiviranje LED-ova. Pogledajte
kroz sočivo s očima postavljenim 100-150 mm (4-6) iznad
sočiva. Pomaknite uređaj bliže ili dalje od kože kako biste
postigli željeni fokus i vidno polje slike.
Zamena baterija
Ovaj je uređaj dizajniran za rad sa litijum-jonskim, alkalnim
ili NiMH punjivim baterijama tipa AA. Litijum-jonske baterije
za jednokratnu upotrebu preporučuju se za najbolje perfor
manse osvetljenja i najduži vek baterije. Litijum-jonske AA
baterije omogućavaju približno 2 sata neprekidnog rada ili
dovoljno snage za obavljanje oko 240 ispita u 30 sekun
di po ispitivanju. Nakon što se baterije istroše, zasvijetlit
će narandžasto indikatorsko svjetlo baterije (B). Da biste
zamijenili baterije, otvorite vratašca akumulatora (C) tako
da ih gurnete prema kraju ručke. Izvadite sve četiri baterije
i umetnite četiri nove AA baterije sa njihovim pozitivnim ()
i negativnim (-) krajevima postavljenim na način kako je
prikazano na unutrašnjoj strani odjeljka za baterije. Liti
jum-jonske AA baterije dostupne su u većini prodavaonica
fotoaparata ili direktno od kompanije 3Gen.
Please check www.dermlite.com for the most current trou-
bleshooting information. If your device requires servicing,
visit www.dermlite.com/service or contact your local 3Gen
Care and Maintenance
CAUTION: No modification of this equipment is allowed.
Your device is designed for trouble-free operation. Repairs
shall be made only by qualified service personnel.
The exterior of your device, except the optical parts, may be
wiped clean with isopropyl alcohol (70% vol.) prior to use on
a patient. The lens should be treated as high-quality pho-
tographic equipment and should be cleaned with standard
lens cleaning equipment and protected from harmful chemi-
cals. Do not use abrasive material on any part of the equip-
ment or immerse the device in liquid. Do not autoclave.
Lumio UV components include:
40 UV-LEDs, 75 mm lens with 2x magnification, neoprene
sleeve, 4 lithium-ion AA batteries
Warranty: 10 years for parts and labor. The battery is war-
ranted for 1 year.
This device contains electronics and a lithium-ion bat-
tery that must be separated for disposal and may not be
disposed of with general household waste. Please observe
local disposal regulations.
Technical Description
Visit www.dermlite.com/technical or contact your local 3Gen