Shenzhen
Dericam
Technology
Co.,
Ltd
H201C
User
Manual
Functions
Settings
camera
function
setting
options
are
in
the
right
side.
When
user
clicks
the
“setting”
button,
settings
page
will
be
expanded.
4.1
Video
Setting
Page
The
first
option
is
video
setting:
4.1.1
Video
Format:
If
the
monitoring
site
adopts
lighting,
user
should
set
a
corresponding
frequency
as
power
frequency.
If
the
two
frequencies
are
different,
the
image
will
flash.
4.1.2
Resolution
Adjustment:
First
Stream
:
There
are
720P(1280*720)
、
VGA(640*352)
、
QVGA(320*176)
resolution
options
;
Second
Stream
:
There
are
VGA(640*352)
、
(
320*176
);
The
bigger
the
resolution
is,
the
clearer
the
image
will
be.
On
the
other
hand,
the
bigger
the
bit
rate
is,
the
more
bandwidth
is.