AUDIO Configuration
Field name
First Codec
The first preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u, G.722,
G.723, G.729.
Second Codec
The second preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u,
G.722, G.723, G.729.
Third Codec
The third preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u, G.722,
G.723, G.729.
Fourth Codec
The forth preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u, G.722,
G.723, G.729.
Fifth Codec
The fifth preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u, G.722,
G.723, G.729.
Sixth codec
The sixth preferential DSP codec: G.711A/u, G.722,
G.723, G.729.
Handset Input
Specify Input (MIC) Volume grade.
Hands-free Volume Specify Hands-free Volume grade.
G729AB Payload
Set G729 Payload Length.
Onhook Time
Specify the least reflection time of Hand down, the
default is 200ms.
Default Ring Type
Select Ring Type.
Handset Output
Specify Output (receiver) Volume grade.