4. Software & Communication
4.1 USB-RS232-RJ12 Driver Installation
To use USB-RS232-RJ12 connect PC and use PC software, a driver should be installed.
Follow steps as below(or check online demo video):
Download driver from product download tag.
Un-Zip Files.
Plug in USB-RS232-RJ12 to PC.
PC>Device Manager>Find ? mark device>Right click>update driver>update driver from
un-zipped files folder.
Refresh PC>Device Manager to Verify
4.2 PC Software Installation
To use USB-RS232-RJ12 connect PC and use PC software, a BMS APP should be installed on PC.
Follow steps as below(or check online demo video):
Download software V2.50 from product download tag.
Un-Zip Files.
Open software.
Plug in RS232 wire.
Open communication port.
Start Monitoring.