A. Connect the cable to the power junction box on the wall according to the local wiring codes. Leave
enough slack so the unit can be moved away from the wall for service. The power cable has three wires,
Brown and blue will provide the 220 V, and Yellow/green which is GROUND. This unit must be
grounded at all times.
A. Pyrometer Assembly (Fig 3)
a. Raise pyrometer support arm and lightly tighten setscrew (A)
b. Assemble pyrometer and bracket assembly to support arm,
and lightly tighten setscrew (B).
c. Connect cord assembly (C) to pyrometer
B. Pyrometer Alignment
a. Pyrometer adjustments should be made with a sighting crucible in the crucible holder, and the
Melt Coil raised into the Melt position. The sighting crucible has two small sighting spots, one
towards the side and one on bottom center. These are used as targets when sighting in the pyrometer.
b. Adjust height of pyrometer support arm to achieve 19 1/2” (49.5 cm) from the lens barrel to the
inside bottom of the crucible
c. Look into the eye-piece, a circular reticle will appear in view. Adjustments are made to focus
and center the sighting spots in the reticle.
Right or Left Alignment (Fig. 3)
Loosen setscrew (A) at base of support
arm and rotate unit, or
Loosen setscrew (B) on horizontal part of
support arm and rotate pyrometer.
With the pyrometer tilted back (bottom set
screw contacting Stop) sight the reticle on
the bottom spot of the crucible. (Fig. 4)
The bottom spot should have different marking from the spot on the side.
For identification (see Figure 4.)
Tighten all setscrews
Electromatic - 4
FIG. 3
FIG. 4