Applicable Standards & Laws
This product is classified as inductive reader/writer communications equipment under the High
Frequency Equipment section of Japan’s Radio Law. It has a built-in reader/writer unit certified by
the Ministry of Internal Affaires and Communications as the AC-06104 model type unit.
This product, when not using radio frequencies, is classified as Class B information technology
equipment in accordance with the Voluntary Control Council for Interference Technology
Equipment (VCCI). Though originally designed to accommodate home environments, it may
generate some interference while receiving data if it is used in close proximity of a radio or TV unit.
You are required to strictly follow this instruction manual for successful operation.
This product is intended for use only within Japan and therefore shall not be used outside the
country. Any products that include this product are regarded as controlled items subject to the
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan, and the export license specified by
this law is required from the government of Japan when exporting such products to outside Japan
for the purpose of their production.
Limited Liability
In no event will DENSO WAVE be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages (including imaginary profits or damages resulting from interruption of operation or loss of
business information) resulting from any defect in the software or its documentation or resulting
from inability to apply the software or its documentation.
DENSO WAVE takes reasonable precautions to ensure its products do not infringe upon any patent
of other intellectual property rights of others, but DENSO WAVE cannot be responsible for any
patent or other intellectual right infringements or violations which could arise from:
(1) The use of DENSO WAVE’s products in connection or in combination with other components,
products, equipment or data processing systems or software not supplied from DENSO WAVE,
(2) The use of DENSO WAVE’s products in a manner for which the same were not intended nor
(3) Modifications or changes made to DENSO WAVE’s products by individuals or parties others
than DENSO WAVE, or
(4) The use of DENSO WAVE’s products in the region or country other than Japan.
The following acts and practices on the reader/writer unit built in this product are regarded as
violations of laws and DENSO WAVE will not take any responsibility for any of such acts and
practices. You are strongly required not to:
Disassemble, modify, change or alter the reader/writer unit,
Apply for a change of the model type of reader/writer unit, or
Modify or change the reader/writer unit and reapply for a new model type.
If it is judged by DENSO WAVE that malfunction of this product is caused by its having been
dropped or subjected to shock or impact, repairs will be made at a reasonable charge even within
the warranty period.