2.0. Microprocessor Reset
2.1. Turn off the power using ON/STANDBY.
2.2. Press ON/STANDBY while simultaneously pressing "INFO" and "BACK" (under front panel flap).
2.3. Once the display starts flashing at intervals of about 1 second, release the two buttons (hold for at least 4-5
seconds). If in step 2.3 the display does not flash at intervals of about 1 second, start over from step 2.0.
2.4. jdsmoothie from the AVS Denon forum suggests doing this rest 4 or 5 times in a row, not just once.
3.0. Optional: Network & Microprocessor Reset
3.1. Turn off the power using ON/STANDBY.
3.2. Press ON/STANDBY while simultaneously pressing the "UP" and "DOWN" arrows (under front panel
3.3. Once the display starts flashing at intervals of about 1 second, release the two buttons (hold for at least 4-5
seconds). If in step 3.3 the display does not flash at intervals of about 1 second, start over from step 3.0.
3.4. jdsmoothie from the AVS Denon forum suggests doing this rest 4 or 5 times in a row, not just once.
4.0. Load Settings
4.1. Using IE to perform a LOAD of the config.dat file may or may not work, however using another browser
will generally work every time. Enter the following URLs into your laptop/desktop web browser replacing the
192.168.1.xxx with your own unit's IP address. The URL is case-sensitive.
4.2. <192.168.1.xxx/SETUP/OTHERS/LOAD/f_config_load.asp>
4.3. The following dialog should be displayed on the laptop: