Figure 7
Vacuum Lines
Street Demon
carburetors have four vacuum sources on the baseplate that can be used for PCV, distributor
vacuum, diagnostics, or any other vacuum operated accessories (Fig. 8). The large 3/8" vacuum port, as well as the small
3/16” vacuum port located on the back of the baseplate, is full (below butterflies) manifold vacuum. There is also an
optional 1/4" NPT provision if an additional full manifold vacuum source is needed. The small 3/16" vacuum port located
on the front of the baseplate is timed/ported (above butterflies) vacuum.
Figure 8
Electric Choke
1. Connect the electric choke lead (supplied) to the positive terminal of the choke cap. The other end must be
connected to a
ignition activated 12-volt source. Hookup of this wire is not optional.
Connecting the choke cap to the ignition or ignition coil could result in unacceptable choke
operation, poor fuel economy, and possible engine misfiring, since the voltage delivered to the
spark plugs will be severely reduced by the drain imposed by the choke cap. Suitable ignition
activated 12-volt sources are most electrical relays, as well as the leads to accessories, such as
windshield wipers. DO NOT connect this wire to the original equipment (O.E.) electric choke
source. This may not be a 12V source.
2. Check the voltage source with a volt-ohm meter to assure proper voltage and choke operation. Provision of a good
ground and 12 volt+ source that can supply enough current to the choke cap is
for proper choke operation!