DeltaTRAK FlashLink 40516 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2


Getting Started with the FlashLink USB PDF Data Logger

Installing the Software

Insert the FlashLink Program Manager flash drive into a USB port of a PC. 
There are two files, a license and FlashLink.exe software installation file. 
Save these to the PC hard drive. If you do not have a flash drive and only 
have the license, download the software from the DeltaTrak web site  

Note: The license key can be used on two computers.

Navigate to the files on the hard drive. Open the license document and 
note the license key number. Double click on FlashLink.exe and follow 
instructions in the dialog boxes that appear on the screen. When you get to 

Enter License

 dialog box, key in the number provided in the license and 




The FlashLink shortcut icon will appear on the desktop and system tray. 

Double click the icon to open the program. FlashLink 
Program Manager runs automatically and detects when a 
data logger is connected to the USB port for programming 
and downloading.  

During software installation, subfolders for PDF and CSV 
file storage are created in the main FlashLink folder. When a data logger is 
downloaded, PDF and CSV reports are automatically generated and saved 
in these folders for record keeping. 
