© CSP S.r.l.
First use of the printer
© CSP S.r.l.
During operations, the operator must wear all the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
6.5. First print
To perform the print proceed as described:
Turn on the compressor to the 8 bars.
Screw the manometer in clockwise sense until around 5/6 bars (the necessary pressure varies depending on
the consistency of the mixture ).
Extruder the material so Menu>Extrude material
Begin the print selecting: Menu>Sd Card Menu>file.gcode
The print will automatically start and it’s just necessary to wait until the end of the process.
As the process is completed the extrude will come back to its zero position.
Remove the part only the printing is done
In the case it’s necessary to interrupt the print during the printing phase there are two ways to
• ON/OFF button: by clicking this button on the back of the machine the process will stop in the
safest way.
• Pause command: Menu>Pause, ideal for changing material an cleaning the nozzle
6.6. Free zeta system
Free Zeta system can recover a print by starting from a specified height
Measure the Z value of the last printed layer with:
Menu>Prepare>Muovi asse>10,1,0.1>Z axis
Get very close of the printed object and take note of the Z value, then:
Menu>Free Zeta System
Insert Z value
Select gcode
Wait for the file to load
The operation (depending on the height and file) can take several minutes.
6.7. Resurrection system
Resurrection System is a system for recovering the prints in case of blackout or sudden lack of current. It
automatically saver the coordinates in the point where the print stopped. To use this function select the voice
“Resurrection” for the main menu and wait for the printer to restart.