The following is additional information for the supervisors benefit and is not included in the
Shop Manual
For Supervisors only:
Changing the drum abrasive
Standard abrasive is 80g or 120g Alumina-Zirconia belting which is blue. This belt will cause
substantially less burning, especially when sanding Maple, Cherry or Mahogany because it tends
to be self cleaning, runs cooler and tolerates pitch better than any other product.
If it is necessary to replace a damaged drum belt, or change to a finer grit, use the following
procedure. Pleas review section 3. d) 1) above before changing grit.
Disconnect the power and dust collection system.
Open the drum cover
Press the spring-loaded abrasive clip located at the end of the drum (one at each end of
the drum).
Withdraw the sandpaper belt from the clip and carefully unwind the paper from the drum.
Release the clip at the other end of the drum and store the abrasive strip for future use if it
is undamaged.
Cut a new strip of the desired grit 13’-2 ½” long. Cut a taper on each end of the strip that
extends 15- ¾” from the end. Use the previous strip as a pattern to be sure that the taper
is in the correct direction on each end. If one or both tapers are backwards, the entire
strip is useless. (When looking at the strip from the end, the right edge should be straight
as cut at the factory, and the taper should go from the bottom right corner, up and to the
left a distance of 15-¾”.) It will be necessary to clip off 1”-2” (trial & error) of the
pointed tip on each end of the strip so that it will engage the drum clip properly.
Install the new strip. Insert the point into one of the drum clips with the tapered edge
running along the end of the drum. Rotate the drum to wrap the strip on the drum taking
care to keep wraps tight and close together, but not overlapping. Insert the other end into
the opposite drum clip. Double check that the sandpaper doesn’t overlap at any place in
the spiral seam.
After running one workpiece, re-tension the drum abrasive.
Abrasive selection:
36g: aggressive stock removal, glue removal, rough sanding
80grit – general purpose sanding and stock removal
120 grit - minimum stock removal finishing, leaves fine marked surface
180 grit – fine finishing, leaves smooth finish
220 grit - very fine finish
Sanding should progress through all grits and should not skip a grit.
Replacing the infeed belt
– this process requires removing the infeed/outfeed table and will require
realignment of the drum. Follow instructions in the manual or request assistance from the supervisor
assigned to the machine.
04/21/2008 - HEI