Valid for quadcopter Class: C0
Correct behaviour
Incorrect behaviour
Familiarise yourself with the safety
regulations and the flying environment
before flying the quadcopter.
Do not make any modifications to your
Check the quadcopter and the remote
controller before each flight. Only use
the product if it is in perfect condition!
50 m
Do not fly higher than 50m from the
Familiarise yourself with the flying
environment before you start flying.
Observe the official regulations for your
flying area.
Do not fly your quadcopter close to
Always keep the quadcopter in sight.
Do not fly your quadcopter close to
airport grounds, helicopter landing sites,
areas that affect public safety or
accident sites where ongoing rescue
action is taking place.
Always maintain a safe distance
between the quadcopter and yourself as
well as other people, animals and flying
Do not fly over sensitive or surveille
locations (e.g. prisons, military bases,
power plants, etc.).
Only fly your quadcopter according to
the operating instructions that follow.
Do not fly over large gatherings of
Contact your country’s national aviation
authority immediately if your quadcop-
ter is involved in serious personal injury
or affects an aircraft.