Swivel mount:
This mount allows
you to adjust the angle of your
SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter after it is
installed. This mount uses a
strong adhesive that is not easily
repositioned when installed, so use
c a re when choosing the location of
and placing the mount. Do not
install this mount on a leather sur-
f a c e . Install the mount only if the
temperature is at least 60°F.
– Clean the mounting surface with
the enclosed surface pre p a r a t i o n
cleaning kit. Wipe the towelette
of the vehicle’s defrost outlet for
several minutes with the heater
on. Remove the liner from the
adhesive pad and adhere to the
v e h i c l e ’s surface. Make sure you
accurately place the pad on the
first try since in many cases it will
bond almost immediately. For
best results, do not touch or apply
p re s s u re to the vehicle mount for
72 hours.
in one direction only. Do not
wipe the surface in a circular
motion or back and forth. Dry the
area with a clean, dry cloth.
Repeat the cleaning process.
Allow to air dry thoroughly.
– Clean the same surface with the
enclosed alcohol prep pad. Wipe
in one direction only. Dry the
area with a clean, dry cloth.
Allow to air dry thoroughly.
– Wa rm the vehicle mount adhesive
pad by using a hair dryer or by
placing the vehicle mount on top
SKYFi2 install guide layout 6/20/06 4:47 PM Page 10