Owner´s Manual DEA600 Radio
14 |
P a g e
Once an artist is selected the System displays the list of the contained
albums, as shown in the
Figure 22
Figure 22: Apple Artist’s Albums View
The System displays up to 5 items per screen. In the case there are more
than 5 albums, the remaining albums are shown in subsequent screens
below. All items in the list work as a soft key button selector.
The albums view screen follows the distribution and styling as the
Figure 23
Figure 23: The Albums view
The System displays the albums contained in the media source selected.
The albums are displayed in a grid manner. Up to 10 album icons are
displayed per screen. In the case there are more than 10 albums, the
remaining album are distributed in subsequent screens available by scrolling
Each album icon works as a soft key selector. The albums are distributed by
5 columns of two albums per screen. Each Album grid displays the Album
image (if available), Album name and Artist name. If the Album name is not
available the label "Unknown" is displayed. If the Artist name is not available
the label "Unknown" as the artist name is displayed.
If one album is selected, the System starts to play all the media files related.
In the case the album artwork is not available the System displays a
standard album icon as
Figure 24