ABW InReach Explorer ‐ Quick Guide
The InReach can be borrowed from the club at no charge when used for club activities.
As well as the normal emergency SOS it can send SMS messages (via the Iridium satellite network)
to a mobile or an email address.
To turn the inReach on/off, press and hold the Tick (power) button for 1.5 seconds.
SOS Button Lock - In an emergency, slide the SOS button lock to the left to unlock the SOS.
To avoid triggering a false alarm, make sure your SOS slider is locked. Slide left to unlock and slide
right until you HEAR IT CLICK to lock it! If you do not HEAR IT CLICK, then the SOS is not locked.
SOS Button - Press and hold the SOS button for three seconds to send a “distress” message to
emergency response. If SOS is no longer needed, press and hold the SOS button for 5 seconds to
send a “cancel SOS” message to emergency response.
Charge the inReach Explorer fully before a trip using the mini USB cable.
To use simply as a PLB the above is all that is essential, however it is advisable to send a test
message (detailed below) to make sure the unit is functional.
After someone has received a msg from the InReach they are then able to reply. If the InReach plan
is suspended and later re-activated it will be assigned a new mobile number.
Until a msg is received to a particular mobile any msg sent to the inReach from that mobile will not be
transmitted to the inReach.