The operations must be executed by a qualified technician.
Lubrication of the gas taps
8 - Regulating of the oven minimum
To be effected only for the oven burner (as the grill burner has an only fixed input) operating
on the thermostat as follows:
– Light the oven taking the knob to Max. position.
– remove the knob and by a thin screwdriver (3 mm section - 100 mm long) unscrew of
about a half turn the screw by-pass G, passing through the front panel hole (fig. 42)
– fit the knob and let the oven heat for 10 minutes, then take the knob to position 150
allowing the thermostat to work under by-pass.
– after further removal of the knob, stop slowly the screw by-pass G (being careful not to
turn the knob rod) until the flame reaches 3-4 mm high.
N.B. For LPG the by-pass screw must be fixed thoroughly.
Fig. 42