DeLonghi Bar 39 Instruction Booklet Download Page 4


shown in fig. 15. Then attach the filter holder
(with the  automatic  press  on  top  of the
grounds)  as explained  above. Remove  any
excess coffee from the rim of the filter.
If you use ‘serving illycaffè’ coffee pods in your
espresso machine, use the special filter; insert
the coffee pod ensuring the 

name ‘illycaffè


facing down

and the long side of the pod is

parallel to the handle

(see illustration).

Coffee pods must be stored, handled and
placed  in  the  filter  holder  with  care  to
avoid any deformation.

• Fit  the  filter  cup  as described  above (fig.  8). 
• Place the pre-heated cup or cups on the drip

tray, under  the  filter  cup  spouts.  When the
light  comes  on,  press  the  dispensing  switch
and only release when the desired amount of
coffee has been dispensed (about 20 seconds).

• To release the filter cup, wait for a few seconds

then turn the handle from right to left.

• To  remove  used  coffee,  keep  the filter  closed

with  the  special lever  built  in  to  the  handle;
take off the automatic coffee press, grasping it
by the special indents (take care not to scald
yourself)  (fig.16) and  remove  the  coffee  by
tapping the overturned filter holder (fig.17).
Remove the used pod by lifting one corner. If
the pod remains stuck to the upper part of the
machine,  loosen  it  by  pushing the  coffee
dispenser button for a few seconds.

• If  the machine  is  not  to  be  used  for  a  long

time, turn it off and empty the water tank.
A  pre-wash  should  be  performed,  as descri-
bed above, before using it the next time.


Steam  is  useful both  for  preparing  “cappuccino”
and for heating liquids.

Operating instructions

• Switch  the  machine  on  by  pressing  the

ON/OFF  switch  and  the  steam  switch  (fig.
The ON/OFF and steam pilot lamps light.

• After  a few  minutes,  the OK pilot  lamp  (fig.

19) lights to indicate that the machine has rea-
ched  the  correct temperature  for the  selected
function (in this case, the generation of steam).

• Immerse  the  steam  nozzle  in  the  liquid  to  be

heated    and  turn  the  steam outlet lever
downwards (fig. 20).
Adjust the position of the lever to regulate the
quantity of steam delivered by the nozzle.

• When  the  liquid  is  hot, completely  close  the

steam lever and press the steam switch again
(the steam pilot lamp will switch off).

• Attention!  When  using  the  steam function,  a

few drops of water may escape from the nozz-
le:  this  is  completely  normal.  However,  care
should be taken to avoid scalding.

• Clean the steam nozzle immediately after use,

as  dried  milk  can  be  extremely  difficult  to
remove (fig. 21).

Att.: For a few moments, the steam will come out

mixed together with a little water. In order to
obtain drier  steam,  hold  the  steam lever
open for a few seconds.

After  us ing  t he  mach ine  to  pro du ce
steam,  the  boiler  must  be  re-pressurized
by  pressing  the delivery  switch  (12)  and
allowing  water  to  flow  from  the  nozzle
for  a  few  seconds.  This  also  brings  the
machine back to the optimum tempeature
for making coffee.


• Use  a  metal  container, preferably  tall with a

small diameter.
Only fill it 1/3 of the way up with milk to pre-
vent it from boiling over.
Always use fresh (not boiled) milk. If possible,
the milk should be cold.

• Immerse  the  steam  outlet  nozzle  deeply  into

the milk in order to heat it.

• Lower the container until the nozzle skims the

surface of milk (fig. 22), immersing the nozzle
slightly from time to time for a few seconds.

testo bar 39 GB  9-06-2000 10:25  Pagina 8
